We had a beautiful day of snow today in the Ozarks! I went and got Hunter around 2:00 today and we played all afternoon, we were both soaking wet and freezing at 5:00 when we went in the house. We had snowball fights, built a snowman and played with the sled (got my workout today by dragging Hunter around the yard on it). We made some M&M, chocolate chip cookies and ended the night watching a Christmas movie Hunter picked out. I love, love, love to see Bart, Hunter and Sammi when it is TV time at night, this is how it usually looks...with me on the couch and them all sitting in a chair! It warms my heart to see Bart and Hunter in their usual spots loving each other they way they do. I keep reminding Bart that Hunter will be too big very soon to do that, so he needs to cherish it.