Saturday, June 28, 2008

Brother, Matt, & Georgia's Wedding in MN

I just got back from MN, it was a short and sweet trip. We had fun and danced all night long. The photographer was exclusive so I don't have wedding pictures but here are some reception pics.

My Mom & longer married, but I believe they will always love each other!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Having Palmer in AR was so special for us. He is now 13 and this was the 1st time he was able to travel by himself. I can only hope he comes back more and more!! It was a long crazy week, but everyone made it and things are now back to normal.

We did a lot of fishing, playing, fighting and finally camping.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Father's Day

Father's Day was so special, Bart had both his boys with him. He opened his gifts before we went camping for the weekend and loved them all!!

Jackson/Kasey 1st Bday Party in NJ

We went to NY to see the twins on their 1st bday, man they couldn't be any cuter. They had a BIG bday party in NJ!! We also went to a NY Yankees baseball game and did a little sight seeing on the Delaware in NJ. Palmer came to AR from the party with us and I will definitely have more pics to post next week of our eventful 5 days with Palmer and Hunter. Stay tuned!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Rasberry Pickers..More like Eaters!!

I love going to the berry farm and picking our own. Last year was a bust on everything due to the frost, but this year they are back. The blueberries will be ready soon, but this time we got Rasberries. Hunter always eats more than he picks and it was Palmer's 1st experience picking anything fresh.
Before Hunter came over, Palmer and Bart had some time on the White River. Of course Bart didn't take very many, but Palmer caught a couple and they had some nice fog role in.