Bart and Hunter hit the river this past Sunday. Hunter kayaked for the 1st time and looks like this will be something we do more often, he loved it.
We also hit the lake this past Saturday. If you can't tell Hunter is a little water boy. If you can't find something to do with him, take him to the always works!!

These were taken at 35 weeks. Jaren ( did them and I will really cherish them forever, she did a FAbulous job!! I can't wait for her to take Randon's pictures when he arrives.
I can't do a post without including my 1st baby..Sammi, here she is rubbing all over the new rug I got for the nursery. I think she is trying to tell me something, like she knows what is going on. She will always be the love of my life, but Randon may have to take top spot!!
On July17th, Maci was born. She belongs to one of my closest girlfriends and she is absolutely beautiful and perfect in every way!! Randon will be so lucky to have a beautiful playmate.
Bart went on a boys trip at the end of July with his Atl buddies, I told him this would his last fun trip with the boys for a little bit so to enjoy, and they went rafting. The rafting people got some GREAT pics, he is the front on the left.
Well hopefully my next blog visit will include pictures of my new baby, that sounded weird. I am so ready for him arrive...2 weeks and 3 days count down...who came up with it takes 9 months!!!! It is to the point of dragging out, but I am patiently waiting for him to decide to grace us with his presence. He is already such a loved child.